Wednesday, August 12, 2009

6 months already!

We had a great six month check-up last week. Mae is now 17 lbs 5 oz and 26 inches long-- I knew she was getting bigger as I can hardly carry that carseat anymore!:)

She also had her first sickness the week before that. We've all pretty much recovered now, but that was not a very fun time around our house since we all ended up getting it. Since then Mae has been waking up at 5-5:15 every morning. yikes! Luckily, Jason has been up too so I've been able to get another hour of sleep. Hope that doesn't last too much longer....

Mae is showing more and more independence these days as a six-month old. She loves playing with any toy/ remote/ cell phone as well as with her pacifier and trying to put it in her mouth all by herself....she can almost do it. It's just upside down in this picture... although she doesn't seem to mind!

Mae's first two teeth are definitely here and visible now. Here's the happy girl showing them off.

This is actually the second time we fed her real food (or, rice cereal if you call that real food). She loved it and downed that whole bowl! She also liked "helping" me feed her.

Bath time is also getting more fun for her since she can sit up by herself and play with toys. You can see the two bottom teeth pretty well in this picture too.


  1. I did not know y'all had been sick! Sorry I missed that...would have loved to run errands for you or something. Glad everyone is doing better!!!!

  2. I love all her little arm rolls. Kate still has them but I know they will be gone soon! She's so cute, Kelly! Bring her to Nashville for a game this fall!
