Saturday, February 6, 2010

Birthday Bash

Mae turned 1 last week and we had a little party for her on Saturday. Jason's parents and sister came in town- but mine actually got stuck in Memphis because of the ice/ snow storm there. sad! They are here this weekend celebrating with us though which will be so fun.

Here's the birthday girl at the party!

She seems excited about the cake when we brought it over...

Maybe so excited that she reached out her little finger and extinguished the candle...and proceeds to have a meltdown.

We recover and try one more time. With the candle a little farther away this time.

She wasn't too interested in eating the cake after all that though.

Overall the party was really fun though. Can't believe she's 1!

Here's her best buddy, James Dunlap. They are deep in "conversation".

James is the most loving boy I've ever seen. He constantly gives Mae hugs. It's so sweet!

Of course, Tex can't let Mae move in entirely on his look out post.

Here's out best attempt at a picture at dinner on her actual birthday.

We got her a Sprinkles cupcake that night after dinner and she really liked it. She just ate one little "pinch" of icing at a time.

Jason's parents gave us this GREAT wagon for her birthday. She has loved it! Can't wait for the weather to get a little better though so we can use it more often.

Just a cute pic of her waking up.

My parents gave her this microphone/band stand for Christmas. She loves trying to sing into it since it amplifies her voice. just thought these were funny pictures.

We also had Mae's 1 year doctor appointment last week. She weighed in at 21 lbs 9 oz and is 28 1/4 inches long. She seems to be getting shorter- 20th percentile now but is still around 60th in weight. Her head is still staying strong in the 90th percentile though!

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