Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Here are some pictures of what we've been up to with Mae lately. Really, it's just more of the same but she has been so much fun these days. She's just smiling and laughing all the time-- really, she even chuckles at us sometimes. It's so great!

I also started back to work a couple weeks ago-- just 3 days a week. The first day was hard but we've gotten into a routine now and it seems to be a really good balance. Mae is staying with this really sweet lady in her home, so that made all the difference in leaving her. I feel like she's in a good place and having fun during the day when I'm not with her. Hope we keep feeling that way!

Okay-- here are some new pics. That's all anyone cares about anyway....

so strong!

one of her new favorite hobbies...trying to eat her shirt.

At our first family meal at Houston's. It was a special occassion, although Mae was definitely more interested in the candle at the end of the table than anything else.

Can you see all that hair she's getting these days?

Mae's still in the stage where she'll fall asleep when I'm out running errands and strolling around. I don't want that to end!

Nice nap on the couch after church...nothing better!

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