Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Growing up

Mae has been achieving some more milestones these past few weeks. Most notably, she started crawling last weekend! She is getting better and better at it every day. She's not crawling all over the place just yet-- mainly just when you give her an incentive, like holding out the remote or cell phone. I tried to capture it in a picture below. We have a video but I don't know how to post it on here..sorry.

Mae also now eats "real" people food and can feed herself. She loves avocados, chicken, turkey, fruit and likes peas, carrots, squash okay. She loves drinking water out of her sippy cup too. She's trying to master drinking from that by herself....most of the time she drops it but she's getting better. It's so nice when she can just sit next to us and feed herself while we eat. She hardly needs us anymore :)

We bought her first pair of real shoes a couple weeks ago. Some good ole Keds! We think she'll need them since it's starting to get a little cooler here and she'll want to walk around while holding our hands. Here she is modeling them. I think she is starting to really look like a toddler in this picture.

Here she is "playing" with Tex again. He is still her favorite toy...although I don't think the feeling is mutual.

Here are a few more shots of our happy girl!


  1. oh my gosh...I love her face in those pictures of her cute. I like your new blog look too! :)

  2. Mae is so beautiful and looks so happy! I cannot wait to meet her! I hope we can connect with you all over Thanksgiving in AZ. Let us know your plans! We'll be here!
    Erin (and Justin and the kids, too!)
