Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hello, anyone??

If anyone is still "reading" this incredibly neglected blog, the wait is over! I almost just gave up on it because how can you catch up on 4 months...but I'm not a quitter- just procrastinator.

Here are a few highlights of what we've been up to.
Mae is 22-months old now and is really so much fun. She's talking so much and literally learning something every day. It's fun to see her little personality develop!

Some funny things she's saying..."
One more minute" whenever we are approaching "quitting time" on any activity she's enjoying. "See ya soon" when we say goodbye to anyone. "Where are youuuu??" with much inflection whenever Jason or I step out of sight for a moment. She counts 1,2,3,7. She says "Thank you, honey" to us now. She calls Jason's beer "Daddy's apple juice." She also thinks Santa is Jesus...keeps calling him Jesus whenever we see Santa. Pretty funny...or at least we think so.

Mae is loving trains these days! We've been making frequent trips to Barnes & Noble to play with this great train table.We've enjoyed going to the Dallas library and reading in their cozy reading nooks.

Mae also loves playing with the pillows on the big bed in her room...especially likes to pile them all into her bed.

Mae has been a big help with the leaf-raking as leaf at a time...we're making some good progress.

Here's Mae as Minnie for Halloween. Jason and I were Minnie's parents- creative, right? At least we got Jason to "dress up". Unfortunately, it was hard to get Minnie to slow down with all the excitement (aka candy) so this is the best pic I have.

We spent Thanksgiving in Memphis and had a great time with all of my family. Here's Mae getting some love from Uncle Sammy and Aunt Susie.

Now, we've made it to Christmas and all the fun that is brings for a 22-month old. Mae has really enjoyed everything...from a Christmas parade in downtown Dallas, seeing Christmas lights, meeting Santa, a holiday train display...She wasn't such a fan of Christmas card picture posing though. We got a good one after about 40!

Here are some out takes....I know how she feels in this one.

Sums it up. But it was worth it, right??

Hope everyone has a great Christmas!!! Thanks for sticking around and keeping up with us! I did load the blogger app on my phone, so now I should be able to just quickly post a picture on the go. We'll see if that helps!