Thursday, February 5, 2009

10 days old!

I have not been very good in keeping up with the blog so far-- hopefully I'll get better as I figure out our routine. So far, the first 10 days with Mae have been great! Jason and I both feel like it's so much better than we could have ever imagined. It's amazing how much you can love someone instantly! It's been the most fulfilling and joyful week-- of course, with ups and downs along the way but it's been wonderful. We've been lucky so far that Mae is a pretty good eater and sleeper. We hope it continues!

My mom has been here for the last week and just left yesterday. We were so thankful for her help and were a little nervous to be on our own. But, last night actually went pretty well so I think we'll make it. Jason's mom (and, actually, dad and sister) are coming this weekend to help out for a few days. We can't wait for them to get here!

Here are a few pictures from the last 10 days. This first one is my favorite so far since her eyes are open and she looks like a little least to me.

Watching the golf channel I'm sure...something she will have to get used to!

Here are some from the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE these pictures. Mae is beautiful, and we can't wait to meet her in March. She definitely looks like a precious little angel.
