Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More pics

Here are a few more pictures of Mae at 3 weeks. We just started using the "serious" swaddle blanket last night to keep her flailing arms from hitting her in the face and waking her up. She looks like she's in a straight jacket but it really helps her sleep well...so we are all fans of the swaddle around here!

Mae also loves her pacifier which we are also thankful for since it really calms her down and helps her sleep. We think she looks like Maggie Simpson though since it's just about as big as her face and it moves so much and makes a lot of noise when she sucks it.

Here's Mae in her stroller on a walk. We were going every day last week but it's gotten a little colder this week...we both really like to get out of the house and get some fresh air.

Today we had some official "tummy time" to work on Mae's head control. She did pretty well...

...but it really took it out of her...

Tex even had to stop by and check out what was going on. pretty exciting day around here.

Here's a shot of me and Mae. We need to get some more of these...I had to take this one with my camera phone just to have a picture of us together.

This shot was just too cute. I love her smile! Her eyes are even a little open in this one. Can't wait for that first all out smile!


  1. Love these cute pics!! Where did Mae get that awesome swaddle blanket?? :-)

  2. Yay! I didn't know you had a blog! She is growing so fast and is absolutely darling! I've got to see her again soon!!!!
